(Last Updated On: April 17, 2019)

Here are some of the main highlights in ChartMaker® Medical Suite 2018.2 (file version 6.3.7). To read a full list of enhancements, view the Release Notes.

Where can I find it?

Clinical: Chart Notes – Document Import

What do I need to know?

The system has been updated so when importing a CDA file for a patient (via the Import into chart button in the Direct Messaging dialog,  or via the Import Document dialog, or via the Import Document from HIE dialog) the chart note that contains the document import will now include a Patient Assignment button. This allows you to easily enter and capture patient assignment information for incoming transition of care patients to ensure that the Clinical Information Reconciliation performance measure is calculated correctly for MIPS 2019.

How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, these options will be available as outlined above. You can click the Patient Assignment button to configure the transition, referral, or new patient information, for the patient as needed.

Where can I find it?

Clinical:  Confirm Prescription dialog and Message Detail – View dialog

What do I need to know?

The Confirm Prescription dialog has been updated so that when a user, with a Prescribing privilege of Proxy, is confirming a prescription for E-Prescribe, the Pharmacy will be activated allowing that user to select a pharmacy prior to confirming the prescription.

When a Pharmacy is selected in the Confirm Prescription, the message sent to the prescribing physician’s To-Do List will contain that pharmacy information, allowing the doctor to save time when queuing and sending that prescription.

How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, this functionality will be available as outlined above. No additional user intervention is needed.

Where can I find it?

Clinical: Chart Notes

What do I need to know?

The Vital Signs Entry dialog has been updated so the Additional Information column for the Pulse and Pulse 2 sections will now have Intensity and Rhythm drop-down fields, allowing you to configure an intensity and a rhythm for the corresponding pulse, if applicable. When these either of these items are configured, they will output into the chart note with the corresponding pulse.

How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, these options will be available as outlined above. In a chart note, click the Vitals widget to open the dialog. Enter applicable information and click OK to save your changes.

Where can I find it?

Clinical: Additional Services menu

What do I need to know?

A new Additional Services menu has been added to Clinical that lists the various services that STI Computer Services offers, allowing you to easily find out more information regarding these services as needed.

After an option has been selected, a dialog will appear briefly outlining the selected service, as well as providing contact information so you can learn more about that service.

How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, this functionality will be available as outlined above. Simply click the Additional Services menu, and then the applicable service to get more information.

Where can I find it?

Practice Manager: Administration > Utilities > Audit > Audit Trail

What do I need to know?

The Audit Trail has been updated to track whenever a pending charge has been viewed (by either double-clicking a charge in the Pending Charges tab or selecting a charge and clicking the Process button). When an audit event occurs, the Event column will display Viewed; the Group column will display Charge; the Audit Trail Description will display the Pending Charge: Service Date: [mm/dd/yyyy] CPT: [CPT Code]; and the patient’s Account # will be listed in the Metadata column. Do note, that if you select multiple pending charges, only the first charge will be listed with an Event of Viewed, however, if you process and save those multiple charges, an individual entry with an event of Created will be displayed for all charges saved.

The Audit Trail has been updated to track whenever the processing of a pending charge has been cancelled (by pressing the Cancel in the Enter a Charge tab after accessing a charge via the Pending Charges tab). When an audit event occurs, the Event column will display Canceled; the Group column will display Charge; the Audit Trail Description will display the Pending Charge: Service Date: [mm/dd/yyyy] CPT: [CPT Code]; and the patient’s Account # will be listed in the Metadata column.

The Audit Trail has been updated to track whenever a charge has been created, either through processing a pending charge, or when manually entering a charge. When an audit event occurs, the Event column will display Created; the Group column will display Charge; and the Audit Trail Description will be dependent on how the charge was saved. If the Save button was clicked, the description will be Charge: Service Date: [mm/dd/yyyy] CPT: [CPT Code]; if the Next Procedure button was clicked, the description will be Next Procedure: Service Date: [mm/dd/yyyy] CPT: [CPT Code]; if the Quick Pay button is clicked, then the Save button is clicked in the Charge List – Quick Pay dialog, the description will be Quick Pay: Service Date: [mm/dd/yyyy] CPT: [CPT Code]; if the Quick Pay button is clicked, then the Receipt button is clicked in the Charge List – Quick Pay dialog, the description will be Quick Pay Receipt: Service Date: [mm/dd/yyyy] CPT: [CPT Code]; if the Quick Pay button is clicked, then the RP Receipt button is clicked in the Charge List – Quick Pay dialog, the description will be Quick Pay RP Receipt: Service Date: [mm/dd/yyyy] CPT: [CPT Code]; if the Receipt button is clicked, the description will be Receipt: Service Date: [mm/dd/yyyy] CPT: [CPT Code]; and if the RP Receipt button is clicked, the description will be RP Receipt: Service Date: [mm/dd/yyyy] CPT: [CPT Code]. Additionally, the patient’s Account # will be listed in the Metadata column.

How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, this functionality will be available as outlined above. No additional user intervention is needed.

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