(Last Updated On: February 2, 2024)

Here are some of the main highlights in ChartMaker® Medical Suite 2022.1 (file version 6.7.6). To read a full list of enhancements, view the Release Notes.

Where can I find it?

Clinical: Chart > Registries > Electronic Case Reporting (eCR)

What do I need to know?

In conjunction with the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) AIMS platform to meet the Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) requirements, the system has been updated with new eCR functionality that operates behind the scenes of ChartMaker Clinical using data collected by clinicians as part of a care delivery to identify potential cases, create electronic case reports, confirm reportability, and securely transmit those reports to the appropriate Public Health Agencies (PHAs).

Once the system is configured, whenever trigger codes, based on Electronic Reporting and Surveillance Distribution (eRSD) specifications, are entered, and saved, in a patient’s chart, an electronic Initial Case Report (eIRC) will be generated, and then sent, via direct message, to the AIMS platform, where it will be processed, and then a Reportability Response will be received from the PHA regarding the submission.

To accommodate the receipt of the Reportability Response reports, a new Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) Reportability Responses dialog has been created to view the various responses. When a response is received a To-Do List message will be generated for the applicable users and providers, based on the practice’s direct message distribution list, and when double-clicking the To-Do List item, the Electronic Case Reporting (eCR) Reportability Responses dialog will be accessed allowing you to view the responses. Likewise, this dialog can also be accessed when in a patient’s chart via Chart > Registries > Electronic Case Reporting (eCR). The system will also track in the audit trail any time a reportability response message is deleted from the To-Do List.

Do note, that there is no cost to enable the functionality to support the eCR workflow, however, you must enroll for this functionality with STI, as well as register with APHL AIMS.

How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, these changes will be available as outlined above.

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