
Having trouble getting patients to pay their bills? Is your office staff wasting precious time and money printing and mailing monthly paper statements that are going unread without any response? Are your follow-up calls going unanswered or directly to voicemail? Our eStatements & Bill Reminders offers you a faster way to send statements, spur patient engagement, and save you money. With our eStatements patients can receive their patient statements via Text or Email, right on their phones, allowing them to easily view their patient bill at their convenience. And with automated bill reminders sent out mid-cycle, patients are encouraged to take a second look at their responsibility should they be overlooked or sidetracked. Also, when these eStatements and Bill Reminders are coupled with Patient Pay Online, patients can easily view their bill and pay their balance with a few simple clicks.
We offer eStatement options for Text or Email with automated Bill Reminders, as well as traditional patient statements that are printed and mailed, to meet your patients variety levels of need and convenience.
- Reduce Time and Cost with convenient Text, Email, or Print eStatement Journeys
- Automated Bill Reminders that encourage patient engagement
- Statements with Bright Bold Colors
- Easy to Read Service Description
- Prominently Displayed Amount Due
- Easy Accessibility to your URL for Patient Pay Online
- Coupled with Patient Pay Online allows patients to immediately View and Pay their balances
- Clears clutter and allows you and your patients to easily organize and access their statements
eStatement and Patient Pay Online Webinar (10/30/2024)
Looking for cost savings? Discover how eStatements ($0.23 per estatement) can significantly reduce your costs compared to traditional mailing methods ($0.91 per printed statement). By transitioning to digital statements, you not only save on postage but also enhance your overall efficiency. Now combine that with Patient Pay Online for patients to conveniently connect to your office’s payment portal for quick payment. You now have a winning combination for your office to spend less time on administrative tasks.
eStatement – Patient Billing Webinar (6/5/2024)
In this webinar we introduce the new e-Statement feature for patient billing. Looking for a way to reach your patients quicker when it comes to sending patient statements and receive payments sooner while reducing the cost of patient billing? Join us for an introduction to the e-Statement feature that sends patients a text or email with a link to view and pay invoices. Sign up today to get a firsthand look at Practice Manager’s new Patient Billing options.