(Last Updated On: June 3, 2022)

Here are some of the main highlights in ChartMaker® Medical Suite 2018.2 (file version 6.6.2). To read a full list of enhancements, view the Release Notes.

Where can I find it?

Clinical: ID Tab > Consent
Practice Manager: Patient > Consent

What do I need to know?

The Consent dialog, accessed via the Consent button, has been updated with an Electronic Patient Statements section that allows you to configure patient and/or responsible party consent for receiving electronic patient statements via text and/or email for each case of a patient’s account. In the Electronic Patient Statements section, you can select the Case that you want to configure consent for, and the Responsible Party will display for that case along with the consent options: Receive EPS via text, Receive EPS via email, or Do not consent to receive EPS. You can repeat this process for the patient’s other cases (only active cases will be available in the Case drop-down list) as needed.

When consent is given for the patient or responsible party, the applicable cell number and/or email address for the patient and/or responsible party will be included in the EPS file when patient statements are generated for the patient.

Please Note: The feature of receiving Electronic Patient Statements via text or email will be available later this summer. A notification will be sent to offices when this is available.

How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, these options will be available and can be used as outlined above.

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