Carisk No Fault and Workers’ Compensation
STI Partners With Carisk Intelligent Clearinghouse
New York
As of August 1, 2025, New York will require electronic submission of Workers’ Compensation claims and attachments (Subject Number 046-1707). STI has partnered with Carisk Intelligent Clearinghouse (formerly iHCFA) to provide this service.
New Jersey
As of September 1, 2019, practices performing services in the state of New Jersey are required by law, NJ State Bill S-2137, to submit No Fault (Automobile) claims and attachments electronically and as of November 1, 2019 (NJ State Bill S-2136) to submit Workers’ Compensation claims and attachments electronically. STI has partnered with Carisk Intelligent Clearinghouse (formerly iHCFA) to provide this service.