eCQM / NQF #: CMS153v7 / 0033
Measure: Percentage of women 16-24 years of age who were identified as sexually active and who had at least one test for chlamydia during the measurement period
Numerator: Women with at least one chlamydia test during the measurement period
Denominator: Women 16 to 24 years of age who are sexually active and who had a visit in the measurement period
Denominator Exclusions:
Women who are only eligible for the initial population due to a pregnancy test and who had an x-ray or an order for a specified medication within 7 days of the pregnancy test. Exclude patients who were in hospice care during the measurement year.
Domain: Community/Population Health

In ChartMaker Clinical:

In order to qualify for this measure, the provider must have seen the female patient, ages 16-24,  at least one time during the reporting period and have the appropriate information documented in the chart:

Required Data Elements for the Denominator: 

AND either a valid Diagnosis (ICD-9, ICD-10) Codes with attached SNOMED for at least one of the following that starts prior to or during the measurement period and remains active for the entire period:

OR a valid Procedure (with attached LOINC or SNOMED) for at least one of the following during the measurement period:  

OR a valid active medication that starts before or during the measurement period and remains active for the entire period:  

Required Data Elements for the Numerator: 


This measure makes an exclusion for women who have received a pregnancy test solely as a precaution before receiving an X-Ray or being prescribed Isotretinoin. The medication or X-Ray order must be within 7 days of the date of the Pregnancy test order to qualify for the exclusion.

Codes to identify sexually active women include codes for: pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, contraceptives or contraceptive devices, and infertility treatments.

The denominator exclusion does not apply to patients who qualify for the initial population (IP) based on services other than the pregnancy test alone. For example, a patient who has both a pregnancy test and a chlamydia diagnosis, either of which would qualify them for the IP, would not be eligible for this denominator exclusion.

In order to meet the requirements for this exclusion, the appropriate information must be documented in the chart:

and one of the following (within 7 days from the date of the Pregnancy Test code):