(Last Updated On: June 11, 2024)

Here are some of the main highlights in ChartMaker® Medical Suite 2022.1 (file version 6.8.0). To read a full list of enhancements, view the Release Notes.

Where can I find it?

Clinical: Order Procedure dialog, Reports > Vaccine Inventory.
Practice Manager: Administration > Code Tables > Codes, Add-Ins > Clinical > Immunizations > Vaccine Inventory Report.

What do I need to know?

In Clinical & Practice Manager

The Vaccine Inventory Report dialog (accessed via Reports > Vaccine Inventory in Clinical, and Add-Ins > Clinical > Immunizations > Vaccine Inventory Report in Practice Manager) has been updated with a Patient Reconciliation section that allows you to generate a Patient Vaccine Reconciliation Report for an Immunization administered date range for selected Lot # and Storage units. To make room for the Patient Reconciliation section, the Immunizations that need to be reordered and Include expired immunization lots options have been moved to the top-right of the dialog.

To generate a reconciliation report, simply configure the Immunization administered date rage, and then select a Reconcile option. If the Selected items option is selected, highlight the applicable Lot #/Storage rows you wish to include in the report, and then click the Reconcile button.

The Patient Vaccine Reconciliation Report dialog will then display the patients that had immunization administered for the selected Lot #/Storage units. You can sort the patients in the report by each column heading, and select a specific Account #, Lot #, Storage Unit, Primary Insurance, VFC Eligibility, and/or Funding value as needed. If you hover over the account number, a tooltip will be displayed indicating if the immunization was administered, historical, or not performed. A summary of the total quantity administrated for each Lot #/Storage Unit will be displayed in the bottom left. You can also click the Save Report button to save a PDF file of the report.


The Vaccine Inventory Report dialog has also been updated so that you can modify the immunization inventory quantity for a Lot #/Storage unit by double-clicking the corresponding Quantity. The Inventory Management dialog will appear for the Lot #/Storage unit allowing you to make an Adjustment, as well as selecting an Adjustment Reason and Comment as needed. After saving the adjustment the adjusted quantity will populate in the applicable fields.


In Clinical Only

The Immunization section of the Order Procedure dialog has been updated with a Storage Unit field, that will become accessible when an immunization procedure is selected that has Inventory information configured, allowing you to select, or scan, the applicable storage unit from which that immunization was administered. If there is a single storage unit configured for a Lot # for the immunization procedure, it will default into the Storage Unit field. If there are multiple storage units configured for a Lot # for the immunization procedure, the Storage Unit field will be blank, and the applicable storage unit will need to be selected. When scanning, the applicable storage unit will populate the Storage Unit field if it is a valid storage unit associated with the Lot # for that immunization procedure.

When a Storage Unit is configured, and after clicking the OK button, the system will automatically deduct 1 unit from the inventory quantity for that Lot #/Storage unit, except in those instances where the Disease Immunity, Historical, or Procedure Not Performed option is selected. If the Storage Unit is then modified, or the note is deleted, the system will make the corresponding change to the vaccine inventory as applicable.


In Practice Manager Only

The system has been updated so you cannot delete vaccine storage units that are linked to an immunization given to a patient in either the Practice Manager or Clinical. When attempting to delete a storage unit in the Code Table Maintenance – Vaccine Storage dialog (Administration > Code Tables > Codes > Vaccine Storage) that is linked to an immunization procedure, a message will appear stating, “This vaccine storage cannot be deleted because it is linked to patient immunization records.”


How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, these changes will be available as outlined above.

Where can I find it?

Practice Manager: Add-Ins > Reports > NCQA Diversity Requirements.

What do I need to know?

The system has been updated with a new NCQA Diversity Requirements Report (accessed via Add-Ins > Reports > NCQA Diversity Requirements), that displays encounter counts and percentages of the total patient population for each facility, broken down by the patient demographic categories of Race, Ethnicity, Language, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Zip Code.

This report can be filtered by Facility and/or Provider via the corresponding drop-down fields, allowing you to choose a single, multiple, or all facilities and/or providers, as needed. Likewise, after running the report via the Run Report button, you can also save the report as a PDF via the Save Report button.

Do note, that this report is like the Managed Care report, Encounter Analysis – NCQA Diversity Requirements, however, with this new report, accessed via the Add-Ins menu, you able to filter on multiple facilities and providers.

How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, these changes will be available as outlined above.

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