(Last Updated On: October 16, 2019)

Here are some of the main highlights in ChartMaker® Medical Suite 2018.2 (file version 6.4.0). To read a full list of enhancements, view the Release Notes.

Where can I find it?

Clinical: Prescribe Medication, Confirm Prescription, Refill Response, General Change Response, Cancel Prescription, and Prescriber Authorization Change Response dialogs

What do I need to know?

With the NCPDP 2017071 schema format changes, the SIG field, in the Prescribe Medication dialog, has been updated to accommodate up to 1000 characters. If the SIG text is longer than the visible in the SIG field, you can use the scroll buttons to preview the complete SIG text. The Add’l SIG field, in the Prescribe Medication dialog, allows you to add additional text to the SIG up to the 1000-character limit, as well as the Predefined Text Maintenance screen accessed via the Edit button.

Likewise, the various other areas of the system where you can view and enter SIG information has been updated to accommodate these changes: the SIG field in the Confirm Prescription dialog; the SIG column in the Controlled Substance Drug Log tab in the EPCS Auditing dialog; and the Directions field or text area in the Refill Response dialog, the General Change Response dialog, Cancel Prescription dialog, and the Prior Authorization Change Response dialog.

Do note, however, when confirming or sending a prescription, a SIG check will be performed, and the system will only allow you to send the larger, 1000-character SIG information to pharmacies that are updated to use the NCPDP 2017071 version 6.1 format. For those pharmacies using older, 10.6 version, format, the system will only allow a 140-character SIG text. Whenever either of these limits have been exceeded, based on the pharmacy selected, a warning message will appear outlining the issue and how to rectify to SIG text issue.

How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, these options will be available and can be used as outlined above.

Where can I find it?

Clinical: Prescribe Medication and Confirm Prescription dialogs

What do I need to know?

With the NCPDP 2017071 schema format changes, for patients that are under the age of 18, the height and weight of the patient are required for sending medications electronically. This information will typically be populated in the Confirm Prescription screen from the information entered in the Vitals widget for the patient. However, if the information was not entered via the Vitals widget, the system will default Ht/Wt: into the Notes to Pharmacist field, allowing you to enter a reason why the height and weight could not be obtained for the patient.


Do note, that this field will also editable in the Confirm Prescription dialog, allowing you to append or enter the reason, if needed. However, if a reason is not entered, once the Confirm and Send button is clicked, or the Ready to sign option is checked, a warning message will appear, and you will not be able to confirm the medication until on is entered.

In addition, the Patient section of the Confirm Prescription dialog has been updated to display the patient’s height and weight. The information in the Ht and Wt fields will populate the information entered in the Vitals widget for the patient and will show the latest values entered for each. If no height is entered via a Vitals widget, the Ht field in the Confirm Prescription field will be blank. If no weight is entered via a Vitals widget, the Wt field in the Confirm Prescription field will be blank.

As mentioned above, if either of these fields are blank, and the patient is less than 18 years old, the Note to Pharmacist field will contain a Ht/Wt: allowing you to enter a reason why this information was not obtainable. If no reason is entered, you will not be allowed to send the prescription.

How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, these options will be available and can be used as outlined above.

Where can I find it?

Clinical: Confirm Prescription dialog

What do I need to know?

The Notes to Pharmacist field, in the Confirm Prescription dialog, has been updated so when a pharmacy that is still using the older 10.6 version format is selected, you can enter the NADEA Number for those medications (buprenorphine HCl, buprenorphine-naloxone, Suboxone, Subutex, Zubsolv, etc.) that require this number when prescribing. The NADEA Number should be entered using the following format: NADEAN:XXXXXXXXX, where XXXXXXXXX is the NADEA Number.

If the NADEA Number is not entered for those applicable medications when a 10.6 pharmacy is selected, and you click the Ready to sign option, a warning message will appear, indicating this number needs to be entered in the Notes to Pharmacy field, and you will not be able to continue sending the medication until this information is entered.

The Confirm Prescription dialog has also been updated so the green checkmark indicator that appears next to the Print patient prescriptions savings materials option, whenever there are any prescription savings materials available to print for the medication being prescribed, is now clickable, thereby allowing you to preview the prescriptions savings materials that are available.

When the green checkmark indicator is clicked, a Patient Savings Materials dialog will appear displaying the corresponding savings materials for the medication. After viewing the materials, you can click the Close button.

How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, these options will be available and can be used as outlined above.

Where can I find it?

Clinical: General Change Response dialog

What do I need to know?

With the NCPDP 2017071 schema format changes, the system has been updated to process new change request message types for Drug Use Evaluation (D), Out of Stock (OS), and Script Clarification (S). Likewise, the change request message types of Generic (G) and Therapeutic (T) have been updated to the NCPDP 2017071 schema format and workflow. With these changes, the Change Reason field has been updated so that if a change reason is not sent with the request, then the field will show the message code text in this field.

Likewise, the Prescriber section of the General Change Response dialog has been updated to allow you to change the prescriber’s Location, if needed, when the original prescriber is processing the change request. If a prescriber other than the original prescriber (i.e., a prescribing agent) is processing the change request, the Location field will default to the location included in the request, and the field will be locked, and you will not be able to change the location.

Also, the Response section of the General Change Response dialog has been updated with a Prescribing Agent field whenever a prescriber other than the original prescriber is processing the change request.  The Prescriber Agent field will contain the user’s name who is currently logged in and processing the change request. Do note, that prescribing agents cannot prescribe, or process change requests, for controlled substances. In those instances when a prescribing agent is processing a change request, the Ready to sign and Sign and Approve options will be disabled.

In addition, the General Change Response dialog has been updated to provide a drug interaction check that will trigger when the Approve button is clicked for non-controlled medications, or when the Ready to Sign option is checked for controlled medications. If there is an interaction for the medication you are processing, an Interactions Present dialog will appear outlining the various interactions. As when prescribing a medication, you can click the Revise button to take you back to the previous screen to modify the medication, or you can enter a Comment and then click the Proceed Anyway button. When entering a comment and proceeding, the drug interaction comment will appear in the auto-drug log.

How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, these options will be available and can be used as outlined above.

Where can I find it?

Clinical: Prescriber Authorization Change Response dialog

What do I need to know?

With the NCPDP 2017071 schema format changes, the system has been updated to process new change request message types for Prescriber Authorization (U), and Prior Authorization (P). When a Prescriber Authorization message type is received, it will contain sub-codes that indicate what information needs to be confirmed or is missing and has prompted the request. The Change Reason field, and to some extent the new Prescribing Credentials section, will outline what information needs confirmation or is missing. To approve the request, you can then click the Change Credentials button to access the Prescribing Credentials dialog to configure or confirm the information.

When in Prescribing Credentials dialog, the applicable fields that require information or validation will become active. Do note, that you do not need to fill out all the information requested by the requested sub-codes to approve the request. However, the NPI must always be populated and will be provided based on the NPI in the change request message. In addition, at least one of the requested pieces of data must be returned.

When the pharmacy sends an unsupported sub-code for information that we do not gather, the Change Reason field and Prescribing Credentials area will outline this information, and you will have to Deny the request, and then follow-up with the pharmacy, as needed.

The Prescriber Authorization Change Response dialog has also been updated to allow you to process change requests for controlled substances. You will have the ability to validate the prescribe credentials via the Change Credentials button, however, you can only use existing credentials, and when selecting a Practice Location for a location that is EPCS enabled, the information will populate, and you will not be able to manually edit any of the fields. Do note, only EPCS enabled locations will be available in the Practice Location drop-down list when processing a change request for controlled substances. Likewise, you will need to perform two-factor authentication by clicking the Ready to sign option, and then clicking the Sign and Approve button. Once the Ready to sign option is clicked, the system will then go through the various EPCS checks, similar to those performed when confirming a controlled substance in the Confirm Prescriptions dialog, and if any checks fail, a warning message will be generated, and depending upon the message you may have to deny the request.

How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, these options will be available and can be used as outlined above.

Where can I find it?

Clinical: Refill Response dialog

What do I need to know?

With the NCPDP 2017071 schema format changes, the Pharmacy Dispensed Medication section of the Refill Response dialog has been updated to allow you to edit Directions, Notes, Dispense unit, Quantity, Substitution OK, Days supply, Diagnosis, and Earliest Fill Date (for controlled substances), as well is to replace the medication with a different medication via the Replace button. Do note, however, when receiving a refill request for a controlled substance from a pharmacy that is still using the older 10.6 version format, these fields will be read-only, and the Replace button will be disabled and grayed out.

When the Replace button is clicked, a Medication Search dialog will appear, allowing you to search for the medication you want to replace the original medication with. Once the medication has been located, highlight that medication, and then click the OK button.

Do note, when trying to replace a non-controlled substance medication with a controlled substance medication when the refill request was received from a pharmacy that is still using the older 10.6 version format, once the controlled substance medication is selected in the Medication Search dialog, the system will generate a Controlled Substance Error message indicating that issue and not allow you to select the controlled substance.

The new medication will then display in the Medication field, and you can enter or select the Directions, Notes, Dispense unit, Quantity, Substitution OK, Days supply, Diagnosis, and Earliest Fill Date (for controlled substances), as needed.

Also, with the NCPDP 2017071 schema format changes, and the ability to replace medications in the Refill Response dialog, the Deny but new Rx will follow button and functionality has been removed. You will now be able to Approve or Deny refill requests for non-controlled substances, and Sign and Approve or Deny refill requests for controlled substances.


How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, these options will be available and can be used as outlined above.

Where can I find it?

Clinical: System Tables > Prescribing > Prescriber Setup

What do I need to know?

The New Prescriber Location and Edit Prescriber Location dialogs (accessed via System Tables > Prescribing > Prescriber Setup) have been updated with a NADEAN Number field, allowing you to configure the NADEA Number for the provider, for the location selected, or for the new location that you are entering. The NADEA Number is required when prescribing Schedule III, IV, or V narcotic drugs for detoxification treatment or maintenance treatment (buprenorphine HCl, buprenorphine-naloxone, Suboxone, Subutex, Zubsolv, etc.). You will not be able to send new or renew prescriptions for these types of drugs, nor process any refill or change requests, to pharmacies that are using the latest 6.1 version format, unless the NADEA Number is entered for the provider in the Prescriber Setup area.

Do note, if you are adding or editing a NADEA Number for a provider that has been authorized for EPCS, or has a pending EPCS authorization request, you will need to revoke the ECPS authorization, or cancel the authorization request, to add or modify the NADEA Number. Once the number has been added or modify, you will then have to reauthorize the prescriber for EPCS. If you attempt to modify or add a NADEA Number without doing this, a warning message will be generated when clicking the OK button outlining this issue. This is the similar functionality as when editing a DEA Number.

After the NADEA Number has been successfully added, it will appear in the Prescriber Setup dialog, when the applicable provider and location are highlighted.

How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, these options will be available and can be used as outlined above.

Where can I find it?

Clinical: Reports > MIPS Dashboard

What do I need to know?

The Reporting through a combination of the EHR and STI Quality Reporting Registry option in the Quality Reporting section of the MIPS Dashboard Configuration dialog has been updated to allow you to enter a value between 0 and 6 in the Number of measures reported field, to indicate the number of measures you are reporting via the STI Quality Reporting Registry.

If the dual reporting option is selected in the Quality Reporting section of MIPS Dashboard Configuration dialog, when you click the Quality card in the MIPS Dashboard to access the Quality Measures dialog, a new Quality Score dialog will appear that prompts you to enter the total score for those measures calculated in the STI Quality Reporting Registry. The total score that can be entered will be determined by the number of measures configured in the MIPS Dashboard Configuration dialog (where the highest value is the number of measures multiplied by 10).

After a value is entered, and the OK button is clicked, the Quality Measures dialog will appear, and you can then select the applicable measures, calculate the scores, run reconciliation reports, etc. as in previous versions. However, the score available in the Quality Measure dialog will be determined by those being reported via the STI Quality Reporting Registry, up to a total of 6 measures. For example, in Figure 42 above, 4 measures were selected to be reported from the STI Quality Reporting Registry, therefore in the Quality Measures dialog, the score will be taken from the 2 highest measures selected (6 minus 4 = 2). That score will then be added to the score entered in the Quality Score dialog to get your total Category Score.

How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, these options will be available and can be used as outlined above.

Where can I find it?

Clinical: Reports > STI Quality Reporting Dashboard

What do I need to know?

The system has been updated with a new STI Quality Reporting Dashboard dialog that allows you to view all patient notes that were sent to the STI Quality Reporting Registry for a selected date, while also allowing you to view any notes that are queued and pending export, as well as viewing any notes that have not been sent to the registry for the current year.

When first accessing the STI Quality Reporting Dashboard dialog, the number of notes that are pending export will appear in parentheses in the View Pending Exports button, while the number of notes that have not been sent to the registry for the current year will appear in parentheses in the View Issues button. To access either of those lists, click the corresponding button. Each of these Pending Exports and Issues lists will display any notes for all providers and are not dependent on the search criteria selected.

To view notes that have been sent to the registry, in the Select Criteria section, select the Note Date and Provider, and then click the Run Report button. The Note Date field will default to the current date. The Provider field will default to All Providers, however, you can select an individual provider, if needed to narrow the search, but this field will only display providers registered for the registry for the year selected in the Note Date field.

Whenever there are any results available, the Save button will become activated, allowing you to save a PDF file of the results. After using any of the buttons, the number of notes found will appear at the bottom left of the dialog in red. The Export Date column will display the date that the note was last exported and can be empty if the note has never been exported. Also, the Export Date column will not be displayed when View Issues button has been clicked, since those notes were never exported.

How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, these options will be available and can be used as outlined above.

Where can I find it?

Practice Manager: Administration > Transaction Tables > Insurance
Charge > Custom (Charge Custom Fields)

What do I need to know?

The system has been updated to send No Fault claims electronically through Change HealthCare. Several changes have been made to the Practice Manager system to allow you to successfully send No Fault Claims electronically. These changes will be outlined below. After the necessary information has been configured, No Fault claims will be collected in the normal billing process to Change Healthcare.

 Insurance – A new insurance Category of No Fault has been created. The No Fault category needs to be selected for all No-Fault insurances. The rest of the insurance information should be configured in a manner similar to how other insurances to be sent electronically to Change Healthcare (e.g., a Billing Type that uses the NEIC_P5 billing form, a Payer ID #, etc.) are configured.

Charge Custom Fields – When entering, or editing, charges, you need to click the Custom button to access Charge Custom Fields dialog where a Document Indicator and Attachment Control Number needs to be configured for the charges.

The Document Indicator can be selected in the fields in the Billing Instruction Codes section of the Charge Custom Fields dialog. If a document indicator is not configured for No Fault charges, those charges will not be sent and will appear on the Bad Claims report. Do note, that if DI09 Document Indicator – No Documentation option is selected, the charges also will not be sent and will appear on the Bad Claims report.

The Attachment Control Number is entered by clicking the Add button in the Other section. Then, in the Add Extended Data dialog, select Text for the Type, Attachment Control Number-HIPPA Prof (20002) for the Description, and then enter the Attachment Control Number in the Value field. If an attachment control number is not configured for No Fault charges, those charges will not be sent and will appear on the Bad Claims report.

In addition, the fields in the Billing Instruction Codes section of the Charge Custom Fields dialog have been updated with Report Type codes that can be configured for No Fault charges to further indicate how follow-up documentation will be sent. Do note, a report type code is not required to be configured to bill No Fault claims electronically, as the system will default the RTOZ Report Type – Support Data for Claim code into the billing file if a report type is not configured.

How do I use it?

Upon upgrade, these options will be available and can be used as outlined above.

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