Installing the ChartMaker Clinical Upgrade

All product updates supplied by us are downloaded by the client via our corporate website utilizing our Download Assistant application or sent to the customer via a DVD. When downloading the update via our corporate website the Download Assistant application will upgrade the customers’ database and apply all necessary changes to the underlying file system as required. When a DVD is sent, the DVD will automatically upgrade the customers’ database and apply all necessary changes to the underlying file system as required. The following is the Documentation that can be downloaded (if downloading via our corporate website) or supplied with the update DVD to the customer.


Download Assistant Directions

This document will guide you through the process of downloading the STI ChartMaker®Medical Suite upgrade package. Please follow all steps carefully to allow best experience.




Pre-requisite Checklist:


  1. Open Internet Explorer and in the Address box type to go to the STI Computer Services website.


  2. On the STI web page, click the STI CUSTOMERS link.


  3. Log in to the Customer section using your username and password. If you have never created an account on this website before, you’ll need to do that by going to the “Account Set-Up” section.


  4. In the list of links and descriptions, click the Software Downloads link.


  5. Go to the section titled, ChartMaker Medical Suite Installation/Upgrade Package, and click the Step 2 of 2 Download STI Download Assistant link or the Download link to the right of it.


  6. A File Download window will appear, with options to Open, Save, or Cancel. Click Save.


  7. In the Save As window, select Desktop, Step 1 in the picture, and then click Save, Step 2.


  8. A download window appears, and when the download is complete, click Open.


  9. Now a new window will open. Double-click on the STIDownloadAssistant at the bottom of the list. A new message will appear with the options to Extract all, Run, or Cancel. Click Extract All.


  10. An Extraction Wizard will now appear. Click Next.


  11. On the next screen, click Next.


  12. On the next screen, make sure Show extracted files is checked, and then click Finish.

  13. Double-click STIDownloadAssistant again to open Download Assistant.





  1. The Download Assistant will run through a system check to make sure your system has Microsoft .Net 2.0 or later. If your system meets this requirement, skip to Step 3. If your system does not meet this requirement, then the following screen will appear.


  2. Select the button for the I have read and ACCEPT the terms of the License Agreement. Then click the Install button. The Microsoft .Net 2.0 installation will begin. Wait until there is the Cancel button on the bottom right of the screen turns to an Exit button, and then click on Exit.

  3. Once .Net 2.0 has been verified on the system, Download Assistant will open. Assuming your system passes the requirements checking, the following screen will appear, and you will input the provided password and click Download.

    NOTE: If your system does not pass the requirements check, please proceed to Step 5.


  4. When the download and extraction has completed, you have 2 options: 1) Click the Install button to upgrade now, or 2) Click the Close button to install whenever you are ready to start your upgrade. When ready to upgrade, double-click on the desktop icon, Install ChartMaker Medical Suite icon on the desktop.



  5. If your system does not pass the requirements check, you will receive messages in the Results section of the Download Assistant. The main reason for failing this check is if your system has less than 2.5 GB of hard drive space free on the drive where the Install Package will be downloaded and extracted.


  6. In the event that there is not enough disk space on the currently selected drive, you will just need to change the drive letter to another valid drive on the system or network by clicking on the down arrow to the right of the drive letter. You will need to keep changing the drive letter until there is a drive that meets the space requirement and there is no message in the Result section.


  7. Once you have found a drive that meets the space requirements, please proceed to Step #3 and input the provided password and click the Download button.

    WARNING: You are not done. In order to upgrade your current ChartMaker Medical Suite, see attached upgrade directions.





Web Upgrade Instructions




The enclosed upgrade is the current version of Practice Manager and ChartMaker® Clinical software. This upgrade will update either or both products, depending on which products are currently installed on your server.


It may take several hours to complete, depending on the size of your database.


  1. Practice Manager and Chartmaker® Clinical (check both if you have both products) must be on version 2.10 or higher.

    Practice Manager: Go to Help > About Practice Manager. Upper left corner will display the version. Does it say Version: 2.10 or 3.x? If not, please call STI Practice Manager Support at 800-487-9135, option 4. ChartMaker® Clinical: Go to Help > About ChartMaker® Clinical. Does it display ChartMaker.exe vs. 2.10 or 3.x? If not, please call STI ChartMaker® Clinical Support at 800-487-9135, option 6.


  2. Do you have any workstations using Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000? Practice Manager and ChartMaker® Clinical are not compatible to run on workstations with older Windows operating systems. To check the operating system on a workstation, right click the My Computer icon on the desktop and left click on Properties. The General tab will have this information listed under System.

    If you find that you do have workstations running Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, or Windows 2000, please call the Hardware Department to discuss upgrading\replacing these workstations at 800-487-9135, option 5.

    If you decide to run the update, the workstation will not be able to run Practice Manager and ChartMaker® Clinical.


  3. Does your office use an appointment reminder system, for example Pam 2000 or Housecalls? These systems use exported report information, so when a change is made to reports, there is a possibility that information can be exported into different fields causing the data to be incorrect. Prior to loading this upgrade, it is recommended that you contact STI Practice Manager Support at 800-487-9135, option 4.

  4. Does your office use Schedule Resources in the Appointment Module? Go to Add-Ins > Appointment > Schedule Resource and click the eyeglass to view all. If you have Schedule Resources listed, call STI Software Support BEFORE loading this upgrade at 800-487-9135, option 4.

  5. Check the Patient Billing Tab for Working Batches: You must finalize all Working Batches PRIOR to running the update. You will not be able to finalize OLD Working Batches after the upgrade. If you need assistance, call STI Software Support BEFORE loading this upgrade at 800-487-9135, option 4.

  6. Run the Pre-Upgrade Test: Run the Pre-Upgrade Test (see Pre-Upgrade Test section below) to ensure your server and workstations meet the necessary criteria to perform the upgrade successfully. If you need assistance, complete and fax the Upgrade Fax Back Sheet.

  7. Server Memory Upgrades: Your server keeps your office productive but if you are using a PC that’s even just three years old, you may need to increase its memory resources. To get the optimal performance your office needs to run the current ChartMaker® Medical Suite, call the Hardware Department to discuss your memory upgrade at 800-487-9135, option 5.

  8. Workstation Update: After the update is completed on the server, your workstations will also go through an update process which will take approximately 10 -15 minutes per workstation. This process is automatic once you log into ChartMaker® Medical Suite. IT IS IMPORTANT FOR THE WORKSTATIONS TO COMPLETE THE PROCESS – DO NOT CANCEL! The workstation update process with sample screens is enclosed for your review. If you need assistance, call STI Software Support at 800-487-9135, option 4.

  9. Electronic Patient Statements: If your office sends Electronic Patient Statements (EPS), an adjustment must be made after the update is completed and before you submit your first batch of patient claims. Please call STI Software Support at 800-487-9134, option 4 for assistance.

  10. Preparation Prior to Running the Update: If your office is running the update overnight, we recommend you print out your appointment list and chargeslips prior to running the update.



Release Notes (Gold CD)

The Release Notes CD (gold CD) explains the changes incorporated in this version of Practice Manager and ChartMaker Clinical. It is important to review the release notes prior to loading the upgrade.

To Print Release Notes:

  1. Place the CD (gold) in a DVD/CD-Rom Drive on any workstation with Microsoft Word.

  2. Double left click on the My Computer icon on the Desk Top.

  3. Double left click on the DVD/CD-Rom Drive.

  4. Double left click on a Release Notes Document.

  5. When it opens, left click on the Printer icon at the top to print the document.

  6. Repeat these steps to print out all versions.




Getting Your Update from the Website

The current update is available on the STI Computer website on the STI Customers – Software Downloads. Follow the enclosed Download Assistant Directions to retrieve the upgrade package to your server. You will be required to enter an Install Package Password. The password for your office will be *******.




Pre-Upgrade Test


SERVER Pre-Upgrade Test

This upgrade has the ability to do pre-upgrade testing to insure that your Server meets the necessary criteria to perform the upgrade successfully. You may perform this test any time, even when people are using the system*. Please follow the steps below to perform the pre-upgrade test only. *ChartMaker® Clinical offices must reboot the server after running the Pre-Upgrade Test.


  1. The Application Server desktop will have an icon to start the upgrade process. Double click the icon Install ChartMaker Medical Suite.

  2. A window like the one below will appear on your screen.


  3. Select Server and click Next.

  4. Another window like the one below will appear.


  5. Within a few minutes (no more than 5 minutes) all the traffic lights should be GREEN. If any of the traffic lights remain RED after 10 minutes, please make a note on the Upgrade Fax Back Sheet of which traffic lights are RED and click Cancel. Fax the completed Upgrade Fax Back Sheet to STI Computer Services.

  6. If all the traffic lights are Green click Next and another window like the one below will appear.


  7. At this point you may click Cancel and run your upgrade whenever it is convenient.

  8. If you wish to run your upgrade now, make sure everyone is out of the system (ChartMaker Clinical and Practice Manager) and click Next and follow your Installation Instructions below.





Workstations Pre-Upgrade Review

In order for each workstation to install the update it must meet three parameters under System Properties. To help you track your workstations, enter the information on the check list. If you find the workstations do not meet the parameters, please call the STI Hardware Help Desk for assistance.

  1. At the desktop, right click on MY COMPUTER icon and left click on PROPERTIES.

  2. On the General Tab: Check (1) Windows Operating System – XP, Vista or 7 Professional (2) Service Pack 2 or higher and (3) RAM – Recommended 2 GB or more.


  3. On the Automatic Updates Tab: Is Automatic (recommended) selected?




Workstation Checklist



Operating System XP/Vista/ 7Professional

XP and Vista Service Pack 2 or Higher (Y/N)

Ram – 2 GB or More (Y/N)

Automatic UpgradeTurned On (Y/N)

Fax STI for Assistance (Y/N)


























































Installing the Upgrade



  1. Everyone must be out of Practice Manager and ChartMaker Clinical. All workstations must be shut down.

  2. Double click the icon found on the server’s desktop -Install ChartMaker Medical Suite.

  3. After a few seconds a window will pop-up. Server will be selected. Click Next.

  4. A new window will pop-up. The window will have 7 traffic lights. The upgrade will wait for all 7 lights to turn green before the “Next” button will be activated. Click Next. If all 7 traffic lights do not turn green within a few minutes, call STI Support at 800-487-9135, option 4.

  5. Click Next again to continue.

  6. A new window will pop-up. It will display one line, which will be the path to your database. Click Next. If more than one line is displayed, please call STI Support at 800-487-9135, option 4.

  7. The Connected Users must say 1 in order for the upgrade to continue. Click Next. If it does not say 1, call STI Support at 800-487-9135, option 4.

  8. he upgrade will begin. It will take several hours, depending on the size of your database. (You can start the upgrade before you leave and let it run overnight. If your office is running the update overnight, we recommend you print out your appointment list and charge slips prior to running the update.

  9. When the upgrade completes successfully you will see a green dot with a checkmark in the upper right side of the window. Click Next.

  10. A new window will pop-up. It will say “Your Upgrade Has Completed Successfully.”

  11. Click Finish.

  12. Restart your server.




PRACTICE MANAGER -After the Upgrade Is Complete

  1. Log into Practice Manager on any workstation using your normal Login and Password. Upon logging into Practice Manager for the first time, you will be asked to change your password. In order to successfully log in, each user must go through the password changing process. You may use your same password but you must enter it.

  2. Practice Manager will run a local upgrade to the new version on each workstation (see Workstation Upgrade Instructions).

  3. Now, go to HELP >  About Practice Manager.

  4. Look under SYSTEM INFORMATION, verify that the File Version for PcareWApp.exe on your computer matches the update version.

  5. If your file version does not match, please call STI Practice Manager Support at 800-487-9135, option 4.

  6. If the file version does match, continue with the After the Upgrade Is Complete instructions.

  7. Login to Practice Manager on any workstation. (Each user will be prompted to change their password – you may use the same password but you must type it in.)

  8. Go to Add-Ins > Reports.

  9. Click Remove All System Configurations.

  10. Click Yes.

  11. Go to Add-Ins > Reports.

  12. Click Report Manager.

  13. The 'Report Manager' window will appear. In the lower left corner of the window place a checkmark in the 'Show All Packages' box.

  14. In the center of the window, click >>. All Reports will move to the right side of the window.

  15. Click OK. This will take anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes to complete.

  16. A Pop-Up message will appear “Report Package Import Complete.”

  17. Click OK.

  18. You now need to run Billing Component Manager on each workstation that is used to print paper claims or do electronic billing.

  19. Go to Add-Ins > Insurance Billing.

  20. Click Billing Component Manager.

  21. In a few seconds a new window will pop-up.

  22. Click OK.




CHARTMAKER® CLINICAL -After The Upgrade Is Complete

  1. Log into ChartMaker Clinical using your normal ChartMaker Clinical login and password.

  2. ChartMaker Clinical will run a local upgrade to the new version on your workstation.

  3. Click Help > About ChartMaker Clinical.

  4. Confirm that the ChartMaker.exe version matches the update version.

  5. If your file version does not match below, please call STI ChartMaker Support at 800-487-9135, option 6.




Workstation Upgrade Directions

As part of the ChartMaker® Suite update, each workstation must follow the update process as outlined below. Please DO NOT cancel the process once your workstation has started the update, which typically takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

Once the upgrade is completed on the Server, go to each workstation and double click the Practice Manager icon.

Follow the screen instructions:



The workstation update is completed.


Reminder: this process must be completed on every workstation in order to be updated to the current version.




Upgrade Fax Back Sheet

In order to keep our records up to date and to insure that you receive all future upgrades to the release you just installed, we request that you fill out and fax this form to us upon completion of the upgrade installation.


Fax To:  610-650-9275



   Upgrade has been installed successfully.

      ChartMaker Version __________ (enter applicable version)

Please complete if assistance is required:

   Having a problem obtaining the update from the STI website.

   Received an error on the Pre-Upgrade Test -RED light on the following:

____ Existing SQL Installs

____ Operating System

____ Existing ChartMaker® products installed

____ Requirements

____ Database size

____ Disk Space

____ License File

   I require assistance with the upgrade installation.


Please complete:


Office Name: __________________________________________________________


Contact: ______________________________________________________________


Phone Number: _______________________________________________________


Date: ______________________




Documentation included when Upgading from a DVD

Enclosed is the latest Upgrade to your ChartMaker® Clinical software. It may take several hours to complete, depending on the size of your database.



Step One – Answer the following question:

Do you have any computers using ChartMaker® Clinical with Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0? To check your computers, click on the Start button on the desktop. The Windows version is displayed.

If you answered YES to the above question, call ChartMaker® Clinical Support at 800-487-9135, press 6.  DO NOT INSTALL THIS UPGRADE YET.


Step Two – Release Notes

The release notes DVD explains the changes incorporated in this version of ChartMaker® Clinical. It is important to print the release notes and review them prior to loading the Upgrade.


Release Notes:

  1. Place the DVD in a DVD Drive on any workstation with Word.

  2. Double left click on the My Computer icon on the Desk Top.

  3. Double left click on the DVD Drive.

  4. Double left click on a Release Notes Document.

  5. When it opens, left click on the Printer icon at the top to print the document.

  6. Repeat these steps to print out all versions.



Step Three – Upgrade ChartMaker® Clinical – DVD

The following sections will provide step by step instructions to walk you through the Upgrade process.



Installing the ChartMaker® Clinical Upgrade

Before installing the upgrade, make sure you have read and understand the instructions in Step Two and Three above. Your ChartMaker login must have rights to log into the SYSADMIN area (see the After the Upgrade is Complete section, step 1).


Also note with the 3.0.8 version, 800 x 600 screen resolution is no longer supported in ChartMaker® Clinical. Users that have the 800 x 600 screen resolution for their workstation will need to change their screen resolution setting.


This upgrade may take several hours to complete the upgrade depending on the size of your database. Use the following steps to install the ChartMaker® Upgrade.



  1. Everyone must be out of ChartMaker® Clinical. All workstations must be shut down.

  2. Place the Upgrade DVD in the DVD drive on your Server and log in as Administrator or Stiadmin. (Hint: the DVD’s brand name is usually on the top side of DVD.)

  3. After a few seconds a window will pop-up. Automatic Upgrade will be selected.

  4. Click Next.

  5. A new window will pop-up. It will display one line, which will be the path to your database. If more than one line is displayed, please call ChartMaker® Clinical Support at 800-487-9135 press 6.

  6. Click Next.

  7. A new window will pop-up. The window will have 3 traffic lights. The upgrade will wait for all 3 lights to turn green before the Next button will be activated. If the first traffic light does not turn green within 1 minute, please call ChartMaker® Clinical Support at 800-487-9135 press 6.

  8. Click Next.

  9. The upgrade will begin. It may take several hours, depending on the size of your database. (You can start the upgrade before you leave and let it run overnight.)

  10. **NOTE** Should you get a message asking you to reboot in the middle of the upgrade, DO NOT REBOOT, select cancel, finish the upgrade, then reboot the server.

  11. When the upgrade completes successfully you will see a green dot with a checkmark on the upper right side of the window.

  12. Click Next.

  13. A new window will pop-up. It will say "Your Upgrade Has Completed Successfully."

  14. Click Finish.

  15. Restart your server.




After The Upgrade Is Complete

  1. Log into ChartMaker® on each workstation.

  2. .Net Framework will start to install. (This will only install upon the first log in after the Upgrade.)

  3. Click Next.

  4. Select the I accept option and then click Install. This may take several minutes.

  5. Click Finish. ChartMaker® installation will begin.

  6. Log into ChartMaker® using your normal ChartMaker® login and password.

  7. Click Help > About ChartMaker.

  8. Confirm that the ChartMaker.exe Version and Build matches the version and build on the Installation CD. If your file version does not match, please call STI Chartmaker Support @ 800-487-9135.




Installation Fax Form

In order to keep our records up to date and to insure that you receive all future upgrades to the release you just installed, we request that you fill out and fax this form to us upon completion of the upgrade installation.  


Fax To:  610-650-9275



   Upgrade has been installed successfully.

      ChartMaker Version __________ (enter applicable version)

   I require assistance with the upgrade installation.  


Please complete:


Office Name: __________________________________________________________


Contact: ______________________________________________________________


Phone Number: _______________________________________________________


Date: ______________________