Print a Patient ID Card

Patient ID Cards are issued to allow the patients to check themselves into the Shot Room via the Shot Room Kiosk. The Shot Room Kiosk runs on a dedicated machine in the waiting room and has a bar code scanner attached to it. The Paitent ID has their ID numbers encoded into a bar code, thereby allowing them to check themselves into the Shot Room system with these ID cards by scanning them at the Shot Room Kiosk workstation. The Shot Room ID cards are meant to be printed on an Avery Laminated ID Card #5361. Use the following steps to print an ID Card for a patient.



  1. In the Shot Room Automation dialog, locate and double-click the patient you want to print an ID Card for.


  2. Once the in the patient's shot room flow sheet, the patient's ID Card will appear to the right of the patient photo display field. To print the ID Card, click Print > ID Card.

    NOTE: ID Cards will print to the Barcode Printer that is configured via Print > Setup.